
Diana Frequently Asked Questions

For which operating systems is Diana provided?

Unfortunately we currently provide Diana packages only for Linux systems (64-bit). A Windows version is underway but still at an early stage of development.

How can I install Diana?

Installing Diana requires building it from sources (the build process is based on autoconf. That is not difficult if you have some experience with building free software from sources.
However, Diana depends on a dozen of third-party libraries, and while some of them are available in Linux distributions as packages, others are not and have to be built individually before compiling Diana.

You can find the installation instructions in the file INSTALL in the Diana source distribution.

On a 64-bit system I have installed ProMoT with 32-bit shared library and the 64-bit version of Diana. Will my simulation work?

Yes, ProMoT generates c++ files for your model, which are then compiled using dianac (Diana compiler based on g++/gcc) and simulated with Diana (python).
ProMoT and Diana are independent programs.

I have found a bug, where do I report it?

You can create a new ticket in the Diana ticket system.

Last modified 15 years ago Last modified on Oct 21, 2009, 5:13:53 PM